Lifecycle hooks in Angular
Angular, a robust framework for building dynamic web applications, offers developers a range of lifecycle hooks that provide valuable insights into the lifecycle hooks of Angular components. These hooks enable developers to execute custom logic at specific stages of a component’s lifecycle, enhancing control and flexibility. Let’s explore how you can utilize Angular lifecycle hooks in your projects and delve into their essence.
1. ngOnChanges(): The ngOnChanges()
method is called when one or more input properties of a component change. It provides a hook for responding to changes in input properties and performing additional logic based on the changes.
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { // Respond to changes in input properties if ( { this.processData(); } }
2. ngOnInit(): The ngOnInit()
method is invoked after Angular has initialized all data-bound properties of a component. Developers commonly use it to initialize component properties and fetch initial data from external sources.
ngOnInit() { // Initialize component properties this.loadData(); }
3. ngDoCheck: During every change detection cycle, Angular calls the ngDoCheck hook, enabling developers to perform custom change detection logic.
export class MyComponent implements DoCheck { ngDoCheck() { console.log('Change detection cycle triggered'); } }
4. ngAfterContentInit: Angular calls the ngAfterContentInit hook after projecting external content into the component’s view. Developers commonly use it for initialization that depends on content projection.
export class MyComponent implements AfterContentInit { ngAfterContentInit() { console.log('External content projected into component'); } }
5. ngAfterViewInit: Angular calls the ngAfterViewInit hook after initializing the component’s views and child views.
export class MyComponent implements AfterViewInit { ngAfterViewInit() { console.log('Component views initialized'); } }
6. ngOnDestroy: Angular calls the ngOnDestroy hook just before destroying the component. Developers commonly use it for cleanup tasks, such as unsubscribing from observables or releasing resources.
export class MyComponent implements OnDestroy { ngOnDestroy() { console.log('Component destroyed'); } }
By understanding and leveraging these lifecycle hooks, developers can enhance the functionality and performance of their Angular components. Each hook provides a specific opportunity to perform tasks at different stages of the component lifecycle, ensuring better control and optimization of Angular applications.