Angular Routing with Router Outlet

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Router Outlet

Angular Routing with Router Outlet

Angular, a powerful framework for building web applications, comes with a robust routing module that allows developers to create dynamic, single-page applications (SPAs) with ease. The Router Outlet, one of the key components of Angular routing, serves as a placeholder that renders the routed component based on the current URL. Let’s delve into how Router Outlet works and how you can leverage it in your Angular projects.

If you’re unfamiliar with setting up an Angular application, don’t worry! Check out this blog for step-by-step instructions on setting up a simple Angular app on your local machine.


Understanding Router Outlet

In Angular, the Angular Router module provides the Router Outlet directive, which acts as a placeholder in your application’s HTML for displaying the content of the routed components. It acts as a viewport for the routed components, dynamically rendering the appropriate component based on the URL navigation.


Here’s a simple example of how you can use Router Outlet in your Angular application:

In this example, we have a Router Outlet directive placed in the HTML template of the root component (AppComponent). This Router Outlet will be replaced by the component associated with the current route as users navigate through the application.


Defining Routes: To make use of Router Outlet, you need to define routes in your Angular application. You can accomplish this using the Angular Router module, where you specify the paths and corresponding components to render.

Here’s how you can define routes in your Angular application:

In this example, we define two routes: First is the home component and second is the about component. As users navigate through the application, the Router Outlet dynamically renders these routes, adjusting to the URL navigation.



The Router Outlet in Angular is a powerful directive that simplifies the rendering of routed components in single-page applications. By understanding how Router Outlet works and integrating it with Angular’s routing module, you can create dynamic and responsive web applications with ease.