Tag: React

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React Unit Testing

Getting Started with React Unit Testing

Unit testing is an integral part of React development, helping you catch bugs early and ensure your components behave as expected. React’s ecosystem provides excellent tools for testing, such as Jest and React Testing Library. In this guide, we’ll walk through setting up and writing your first unit test in React. Setup: First, ensure that…

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React Fiber

Understanding React Fiber

React Fiber is a complete overhaul of React’s reconciliation engine, making the UI updates more efficient. It breaks down rendering work into smaller units, allowing React to manage rendering tasks more effectively, even when interruptions occur. In this blog, we’ll dive into how it operates and explore a code example that demonstrates its power. What…

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Implement Plotly Library in React with TypeScript

Implement Plotly Library in React with TypeScript

Integrating Plotly with React and TypeScript allows developers to create dynamic, interactive charts with ease. This guide will walk you through the steps to implement Plotly in a React TypeScript project with a simple example. Let’s get started. First and foremost, create a new React project with TypeScript. Open your terminal and run: npx create-react-app…

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Google Analytics

Integrate Google Analytics in Your React App

Integrating Google Analytics into your React app is a great way to track user interactions and gather insights on your app’s performance. This blog will guide you through the steps to set up Google Analytics in your React project.   1. Setting Up Google Analytics: Firstly, you need to create a Google Analytics account and…

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useContext React hook

useContext Hook in React

In React, managing state and passing data through multiple components can become complex and cumbersome. To address this challenge, React introduced the useContext hook, which simplifies state management and context usage in functional components. Let’s explore how useContext works, its benefits, and how you can leverage it in your React projects. useContext is a hook…

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useCallback hook

useCallback Hook in React

In React, optimizing performance is crucial for creating efficient and responsive user interfaces. With the introduction of the useCallback hook in React 16.8, developers gained a powerful tool for memoizing callback functions and preventing unnecessary re-renders. Let’s explore how useCallback works, how it differs from useMemo, and how you can leverage it in your React…

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useRef hook in React

useRef Hook in React

In React, managing references to DOM elements and values across renders is essential for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces. With the useRef hook introduced in React 16.8, developers gained a powerful tool for accessing and manipulating DOM elements, managing stateful values, and more, all within functional components. Let’s explore how useRef works and see…

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useMemo Hook

useMemo Hook in React

In React, optimizing performance is essential for building efficient and responsive user interfaces. With the useMemo hook introduced in React 16.8, developers gained a powerful tool for memoizing expensive calculations and preventing unnecessary re-renders. Let’s explore how useMemo works and how you can leverage it to enhance performance in your React projects. useMemo is a…

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useState React Hook

useState Hook in React

In React, managing component state is crucial for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. With the introduction of hooks in React 16.8, developers gained access to a powerful tool called useState, which simplifies state management in functional components. Let’s explore how useState works and how you can leverage it in your React projects. useState is…

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useEffect React Hook

useEffect Hook in React

In React, managing component lifecycle in functional components was traditionally challenging until the introduction of the useEffect hook. This powerful hook not only simplifies lifecycle management but also allows functional components to mimic the behavior of class-based components effectively. Using useEffect in Functional Components: To use useEffect in a functional component, import it from ‘react’…

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